Nancy Leder

Biography: From a young age, I have always been captivated by art. Even in grade school, my work was regularly displayed at the fair. I love to experiment with different surfaces. Over the years, I’ve created glass jewelry. I have painted on rocks, shells, bowling balls, scrimshaw, ostrich eggs, and a variety of other materials.

Primarily, my focus is on cartoon fantasy painting using acrylics. My main goal is to bring a smile to the faces of those who view my work.

Nancy Leder’s Artwork

Bird Rocks

First, I clean my rocks with soap and water. After they dry, I paint them white to make the acrylic colors more vibrant. I don't draw out my designs for the birds; I simply start painting. Once they dry for at least a day, I spray them with clear acrylic spray. After this, they can be placed outside if desired.


For the distant background, I used a paint pour technique. I then transferred my design onto the canvas using transfer paper. The birds and foliage were painted white to make the colors pop. While researching for this painting, I discovered the many different varieties of toucans.