BottleCap Mosaics

Danna embarked on her artistic journey during a challenging period in her life, finding solace and healing through art. After moving into a new home, she envisioned creative projects for her space, initiating a collection of bottle caps for a unique bar top. This passion for bottle caps persists, becoming a distinctive element in her art. Venturing into tempered glass mosaics, she appreciates the beautiful shine they bring to her creations. Danna also takes delight in incorporating recycled materials, emphasizing her commitment to sustainability in her artwork.

When it comes down to it, choosing to reuse is not just eco-friendly; it’s a savvy vote for sustainability. Because in the world of goods, every act of repurposing is a standing ovation for reducing production excess!

BottleCap Mosaics’s Artwork

Shattered Unity

“Shattered Unity” is a tempered glass mixed media mosaic that symbolizes the current tumultuous political and social challenges facing America today.