Event Details
Note: first time show submissions require filling out this form firstSat., July 20 – Fri., September 13
LCHS Museum
404 Superior St,
Antigo, WI 54409
Sat., July 13, 2024
Sat., July 13
11:00AM – 1:00PM
LCHS Museum Military Room
Fri., September 13
11:00AM – 1:00PM
LCHS Museum Military Room
Get ready for our “Summer Hummer” Art Show. If you want to be involved, download your form with the button above. You should drop it with your payment off by Saturday, July 13 at the LCHS museum.
Otherwise, mail your form and payment to :
AVA Summer Hummer Show
PO Box 312
Antigo, WI 54409
SHOW FEES: AVA members in good standing. . . $5 per entry up to six (6) entries. Artists who are not members of AVA . . . $20 each for the first piece submitted, and $5 each for additional entries, up to a total of six (6) entries. Please include your entry fee with the submission of this form. AVA receives a 25% commission fee on all sales, so price your entries accordingly.