Antigo WRAP-Teen Art Exhibit

Event Details

Note: first time show submissions require filling out this form first
Show Dates:

Mon, April 7 – Thu, April 17


Northcentral Technical College-Antigo Campus
312 Forrest Avenue
Antigo, WI 54409

Entry Due Date:

Fri March 28, 2025

Art Drop-off Date:

Mon, March 31

Drop-off Time:

7:30AM – 5:00PM

Drop-off Location:

NTC-Antigo Campus


WRAP-Teen is designed to provide artists ages 13-19 an opportunity to exhibit their work in both Regional and State exhibits.  The program’s goal is to encourage young artists to create and to be recognized for their work.  It also provides an AWA member, art organization, or school to inspire a teen to make art a lifetime pursuit.   Each year juried WRAP-Teen Regional exhibitions are held throughout Wisconsin sponsored by AWA.  The young artists who receive State Awards at the Regional level have the opportunity to enter the juried State Conference exhibit.  This exhibit is held annually, cash awards are presented and the teen artwork is published in the AWA Annual Color Catalog.  If you are interested in having a WRAP-Teen exhibit in your area please contact, Jeanne Ferreira at for areas south of Wausau or Natalie Vilter for areas north of Wausau.  Please consider sponsoring young artists.

to register by jotform: Register Here

Reception Location: 312 Forrest Avenue Antigo, WI 54409

Reception Date: Thu, April 17 from 6:00PM – 8:00PM